La Comisión Intersecretarial de Bioseguridad de los Organismos Genéticamente Modificados, CIBIOGEM, presenta distintas publicaciones con el fin de facilitar al público en general información actualizada sobre bioseguridad y OGMs en México y en el mundo, como respuesta a las inquietudes de los sectores social, público y privado.
Maíz vs Monsanto
Abejas y Agrotóxicos
Antología Toxicológica del Glifosato
Collection of Biosafety Reviews – Volume 10
Socio-economic Considerations in Regulatory Decision-making on Genetically Modified Crops
LMOS and the Environment – Proceedings of an International Conference
Session 3: A Scientific Framework for Assessing Transgenic Organisms in the
Session 4: Future Needs: Unique Challenges and Opportunities for
Environmental Assessment
LMOS and the Environment – Proceedings of an International Conference (Primera parte)
27-30 November 2001, Raleigh—Durham, North Carolina, United States of America.
Organized by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
In cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency
OECD 2002
Collection of Biosafety Reviews – Volume 9
Containment Management for Research and Development
of GM Crops by Patrick Rüdelsheim
GM Algae for Biofuel Production: Biosfety and
Risk Assessment by Shashi Kumar
Collection of Biosafety Reviews – Volume 8
Building an Effective Biosafety Regulatory System: The Nuts and Bolts by Paul Keese